v4.2.0 - Analytics and Feedback

Analytics and Feedback

In order to balance the game and give players the best possible experience, we want to understand how people play the game. Optional analytics have been added, as well as in-game feedback and bug report forms.


  • Analytics - We have added opt-in event tracking for most important things the player does in a game. More on this below.
  • Feedback forms - In the settings menu, you can now find feedback and bug report forms so you can tell us what you liked, disliked, and what didn't work.


When the newest version of the game starts for the first time, you will see a popup like this one:

If you consent to analytics tracking, a wide variety of game data will be sent to us so we can use it to help optimize card balance, game flows, etc. No personally identifiable data will be collected. A unique user ID will be generated for each player, but no emails, usernames, IP addresses, etc. will be collected. This is to preserve your privacy. If you change your mind about analytics later, you can always change your mind later by visiting the settings menu:

Additionally, feedback and bug report forms have been added to the serttings menu:

These forms utilize our analytics tracking to send us information, so they will only work if you have analytics enabled.

Analytics Details

For those who are really curious or are concerned with privacy, here is a list of what's currently tracked by our analytics:

  • Computer specs (to help us make the game playable on most computers)
  • New game started
  • Game loaded
  • Connected to online game
  • Saved and quit
  • Campaign won, along with number of players in campaign
  • Campaign lost, along with number of players in campaign
  • Match start (records number of players, enemy data, and current player health, as well as how far into the game you are)
  • Match won (records number of turns)
  • Which card you picked as loot, as well as which cards you passed up
  • Buildings build
  • Cards bought in shop
  • Cards upgraded at the alchemist
  • Cards broken down in The Void
  • Cards stored or retrieved at the keep
  • Building upgrades bought or applied
  • Tutorials viewed
  • Resetting or disabling the tutorial system
  • Cards played
  • Minions attacked with
  • Enemy cards played
  • Enemy minions attacked with

What's Next?

  • A nerf to the card Persistent Scavenger
  • Bug with monster avatars in multiplayer
  • Some internal development improvements
  • Individual volume sliders for sound effects vs. music
  • Volume settings persistence between game sessions
  • Ability to press escape to cancel minion attacks
  • Improved clarity on town interactions, mostly via animations
  • Difficulty scaling and adjustable difficulty levels
  • Cleanup of Chaos Portal generated cards
  • Steam page

Thank You!

Thank you for reading, and thank you for your support! If you have any questions, suggestions, bug reports, or ideas, please don't hesitate to reach out, either on itch.io or our Discord. Have a great day!

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