v4.1.0 - Quality of Life and Bugfixes

QoL Updates & Bugfixes

The most recent round of playtesting found some bugs, as well as some easy fixes that would improve quality of life for players.


  • Some Countdown cards were too strong - Frightened Guards and Unwelcome Gift have been nerfed slightly.
  • Turn indicators - An animation will now play when it is your turn or the enemy's turn.
  • Bugfixes - A variety of bugs have been addressed.
    • Maximize card text wrong - The card "Maximize" text said it gave +3 attack and defense, when in fact it had been nerfed to +2 some time ago.
    • Construction helper text wrong - Raw code strings were showing up in the construction helper text. They should now be spaced appropriately.
    • Clicking quickly was OP - Previously, you could attack many times with a minion in one turn if you clicked really really fast. This should be fixed.
    • Cards looted from enemies could target you instead - Certain cards, such as Unwelcome Gift, could target the player instead of the opponent. This should now be fixed, though we had trouble replicating the issue.
    • "Cancel everything" cards - Upgrades and Chaos Portal generated cards could result in broken cards that simply canceled anything the opponent tried to play. That particular rule block has been disabled in generation for now and will be revisited later. (It would be fair, for instance, to cancel all cards with a specific condition, or to cancel any card and then destroy the canceling card.)
    • Tutorial jankiness - Based on your screen size, the tutorial popups could go offscreen. They also didn't block interacting with cards behind them in a match. Both of these issues have been fixed.

The new turn indicator display is shown above.

What's Next?

So this probably won't excite anybody but us, but next up are analytics and in-game feedback forms. All of this is strictly optional, but we're hoping that this will give us insights into play patterns that will let us make balance adjustments, clean up overly cumbersome player flows, etc.

Thank You!

Thank you for reading, and thank you for your support! If you have any questions, suggestions, bug reports, or ideas, please don't hesitate to reach out, either on itch.io or our Discord. Have a great day!

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